
Master Pengu is a short-form animated series made by a small but passionate independent team.

Follow Master Pengu as he embarks on a journey to uncover his past and master his newfound powers. From the deepest ice caverns to towering snowy peaks, his name echoes as a symbol of courage and mystery.

Meet the Team

  • Steve G.

    Founder, Producer

    Product & Brand Designer with over ten years experience developing user-focused products and experiences. In my spare time Iā€™m passionate about telling compelling stories that utilize new groundbreaking IP.

  • 3D_PrintGuy

    Creative Director, 3D Artist

    My origin into art began by giving up the glamorous life of computer science and joining up with fantastic studios like Pixar, Sony and Netflix. During my time at these studios I learned how digital art could be enhanced with a compelling story, elevating the artwork to another level.

  • Atrium

    Creative Studio

    Atrium brings stories to life. A global roster of artists from Netflix, Marvel, Pixar and more at your reach. Each with their own unique skillset to elevate your ideas with their experience.